請教專家Asking the experts


Working with Interactors



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我們請教第3450地區( 香港、澳門、蒙古)前任扶輪少年服務團主委,同時也是香港港京(Kingspark)扶輪社所輔導之華仁書院扶輪少年服務團的顧問Alexander Mak

We asked Alexander Mak (left), past Interact chairman of District 3450 (Hong Kong; Macau; Mongolia) and adviser to the Interact Club of Wah Yan College, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kingspark, Hong Kong:

問: 你如何協助你的扶輪少年服務團成功?

Q:     How do you help your Interact club succeed?

答: 身為他們的扶輪社員顧問,我把扶少團團員當作服務夥伴,而非下屬。我讓他們犯錯,並從中學習,有一年,我所輔導之扶少團的團長選舉發生困難,所以我和團員重讀該團的章程,並指導他們重新舉行選舉。

A:     As their Rotarian adviser, I treat the Interactors as partners in service rather than subordinates. I let them make mistakes and learn from them. One year, the Interact club encountered difficulties in electing a president, so I reviewed the club's charter with the members and guided them in redoing the election.


Since the membership of the Interact club changes from year to year, I make sure that our Kingspark Rotary club president attends their annual general meeting to explain what Rotary and Interact are all about.


When the Interactors formulate their annual plans, I challenge them to do difficult projects and help implement them. Their projects have included a successful fundraising walkathon and free English language training for Chinese immigrants.


I encourage the Interactors to take an active part in joint meetings and charitable activities with other Interactors, in order to share their experiences, work with others, and contribute to society.


And I stress the importance of international projects. During the Asian financial crisis several years ago, we could not afford to send Interactors abroad, so we invited Interactors from other districts to Hong Kong. Since then, many Rotarians realize the importance of such exchanges and help finance Interact delegations to different districts each year. Last year, I took two Interactors to the RI Convention in Barcelona, impressing upon them Rotary's internationality.


The key to advising Interactors lies in the heart. If we demonstrate to Interactors what Rotary means in terms of love, care, and service, our Interact clubs are bound to succeed.